Saturday, May 21, 2011

Patience is not one of my virtues--

I still feel a bit like I'm loitering at the starting line--I'm ready to get into the miles and start testing myself.  I'm ready to get into a bit of uncharted territory, move beyond the distances I've run before.  I'm neither patient nor trusting by nature, which means I'm impatient to get deep into the miles of marathon training and skeptical somewhere in my mind of my ability to succeed. 

Tuesday I made myself do speed work for the first time in, well, too long.  I started out feeling pretty strong but I didn't back off of my pace enough between intervals and wound up with cramps.  Wednesday's four mile run felt strong, but Thursday's three miles were rough again.  I look forward to more runs in the cool morning instead of the hot afternoon.

Today's "long run" wasn't really long--it was five miles, because every third week steps back to get ready for a distance increase the following week.  I was frustrated with myself because I spent too much of my run wondering what I should be thinking about rather than really thinking about much of anything.  I didn't really get into the right frame of mind until "Rolling in the Deep" popped up on the playlist.  I tried to dig into something deeper than where I'd been.  There were a few good moments--ducking under a curtain of spring maple leaves heavy with last night's rain, and as always, the shock of honeysuckle scent that hits me a couple of blocks from home.   Stopping is always a good moment, too--not because I'm glad it's over, but because I'm always glad I did it.

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