Saturday, June 11, 2011

Honey badger don't care.....(but I do)

This week I successfully managed to get myself out of bed and on the road for all my weekday runs, so there have been no more half-dead Arkansas heat wave posts.  Everything has been pretty low-key.  Until this morning.

It all started with the bee that was harassing me before I even got out of the neighborhood.  I promise, for the length of three front yards, this bee was circling me, dive-bombing me, and just generally enjoying the show.  People were outside.  A guy was backing his truck out right across from me, and I was screaming, swiping at the air, stomping, cussing, jumping...But that was only the beginning.

When I got to the sidewalk leading over the spillway bridge, I was on Snake Vigilance Alert.  The brush is overgrown on each side of the sidewalk.  I looked straight ahead at the bridge and sidewalk, positive that there were snakes on either side of the path.  Just as I got to the end of the bridge, I saw it.  Along the edge of the sidewalk, there was a light brownish patterned snake.  Running past it was absolutely out of the question.  I screamed and turned around, just hoping I could make it back over the bridge and down the sidewalk without seeing another one.  Peril lay on either side of me.  I promised myself I would not cross that bridge again until a good hard freeze sent all snakes to bed for the winter.

Fortunately for me, the Brockington Road sidewalks are finished, so I headed out of Austin Bay and turned into Indian Bay from that direction.  I heard sirens and figured someone had called the police about a screaming woman in the neighborhood.  Wasps continued to dive bomb me intermittently, resulting in a partial side jump and scream.  I nearly did the squeal and jump at a knobby looking stick in the path because I thought it was a small lizard that I was about to step on.  Two blocks from the house I heard a buzzing IN MY HAIR and screamed some more, GET OFF ME GET OFF ME...I'm hoping the woman I'd just passed walking her dogs had her music turned up too high to hear.

So.  I did have a good solid 7 mile run, a step back long run in preparation for next Saturday's 12  miles.  I did not come home feeling particularly badass, and certainly this was not a honey badger morning.  But that's ok.  I can laugh at myself, as I'm sure anyone who reads this will.

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