Monday, June 25, 2012

Lessons from the Universe.

So yesterday while running I decided to set one goal for each day.  Yesterday's goal was to  drink more water.  I had two sodas after getting home and then drank 2-3 big travel mugs of water before having a couple of glasses of white wine before bed.  I think it was a successful day and I plan to work on repeating it.

My goal for today is to prepare for my week in Russellville, and just to overall work on my tendency to procrastinate at all times until something stops me.  With that in mind, I got up and made a list of things I needed to get done.  One thing on my list was to get Max a new bottle of pills before leaving for the week.  I saw a bag of clothes I had gotten together for Goodwill and decided to drop them off on the way and then, becoming more energized, I decided to go through my hanging clothes quickly and got another bag together.  I loaded these in the car and left, dropping them off and then heading to the vet.

For once the front of the vet's office wasn't packed and I was in and out in find that my car wouldn't start.  Dead battery.

I've known for a month that I needed a new battery.  It has had to be jumped a couple of times and the car made a sad noise every time I started it.  But true to my nature, I kept putting it off and putting it off.  Until this morning, on the day I promised to myself that I would focus on getting and being prepared---the universe reminded me of something else and pretty much required me to take care of it.

So I did.  I went to O'Reilly right after my dad sent someone to rescue me with a jump.  The guy at the shop was nice enough to put the battery in and now I have gotten something else done.

The rest of today is about packing and grocery shopping and probably some more cleaning.  The packing is an important part of my goal because I usually wait until the last minute and then hastily throw stuff together and wind up forgetting something.  I have a list and I keep thinking of more things to add to it.

Today is supposed to be a cross-training day for training.  I considered running anyway so I would have a day in Russellville where I don't have to, but I decided not to.  I figured after yesterday's long run and with how tired I've been, I could use the extra hour of sleep and slow start to the morning.  Of course I don't get much time to sleep in, what with Max waking up and climbing on top of me and Xena thumping her tail against my door and then tap tap tapping into my room expectantly.

Since the hotel has a pool I'm planning on doing some swimming this evening before relaxing with my friends and coworkers.  This is an important week for me work-wise because I'm really feeling the responsibility to be a leader and think responsibly about how to pull the department together and reach everyone's strengths.

1 comment:

  1. You did awesome with pulling us all together. I'm excited to work with you as my leader!
